Just a quick post on all the lovely Lush things I was lucky to get this Christmas. Bit off topic for this blog, but I had to share they're so so cute!
The first item is the Lush Secret Santa bath bomb, it smells heavenly and looks the part too. Also it apparently has a santa hidden inside (I will add extra photos when I use it). It is modelled on the original Lush shop and smells like the smell you get walking past a Lush shop.
This is the Snowman, it smells like vanilla to me and it's not the best looking bath bomb but I still like it the smell is definitely worth it.
The Magic Wand bar smells gorgeous a bit like bubble gum. Can't wait to make some bubbles with it.
Another item I got was the Melting Snowman which is a bath melt, it's a cutie and the smell is like cocoa butter creams.
Candy Mountain looks fab, I'm not sure on the smell I can't describe it. It's a bubble bar and has a shimmer to it.
The last is the Golden Wonder bath bomb it looks fab in glittery gold and shimmery white. Theres something inside when shaken too, can't wait to use it.
This is what they all look like on the stand in my bathroom, by the way may bathroom smells absolutely heavenly with all the lush goodies there. I have some on a cake stand and some on a little display dish. I think they look cute on a cake stand, only problem is some bombs are a little big and don't fit too well.
pssst I'll probably add more pictures when I use them etc so look back if you're interested!